Sexy Eyebrows
Follow our step-by-step guide to create the perfect eyebrow in 3 easy steps.
Begin on a groomed eyebrow.

Step One
Dark Shade Defines and Contours the Upper & Lower Brow Edges.
(a) Using flat side of brush tip, stroke into the dark creamy-gel shade and starting from the beginning of the top outer edge, gently apply to your natural eyebrow following their natural shade up to the arch and down to the tail end. Repeat for lower edge. (b) Once you outline eyebrow edges, start filling the arch brow with darker shade and apply down to the tail end. Wipe your flat brush tip to remove any excess color formula.

Step Two
Lighter Shade Illuminates, Fills and Completes the Shape.
Using flat side of brush tip, dip it into the lighter creamy-gel shade to fill the beginning of eyebrow. Stroke sparingly, filling in up to the arch and lightly blending into the already darkened arch and tail end of eyebrow.

Step Three
Spoolie Brush grooms, combs and finishes your brows.
For magnificent eyebrows use the spoolie full brush to groom the eyebrows. Comb beginning of brow upwards towards the arch, and comb the arch outwards and down towards the tail of your eyebrows.
The only eyebrow product You need.
- No extra pencils, fillers and finishers to clog up your makeup drawer or bag.
- Perfect Smudge-Free, Water resistant Eyebrows! Will not come off for days unless you use makeup remover!